lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Argentina – de nuevo

When I saw the ad about the internship at the Fundación CICLO for the first time I was sure that this was exactly the institution I wanted to work at. Since I had already been to San Juan, Argentina, two years ago I wished to come back as soon as possible. But this time it was more the organization itself then the country which attracted my attention. And now I’m able to be part of it, as my internship will start in April 2010.
I’m a student of English/American and Spanish Studies at the University of Potsdam, near to Berlin, Germany. Unfortunately, my Spanish is not yet perfect since I just started learning it 3 years ago. I’m looking forward to my stay in Buenos Aires because I really like the Argentinean culture. I remember gente que es muy cariñosa, amable y muy comunicativa. On every corner you could have a chat with someone for hours. During my stay in Argentina I also had the chance to travel, I visited Córdoba, Mendoza, las Cataratas de Iguazú, Rosario and Buenos Aires. Before that, I lived with the family of my professor from university. Therefore, I had the chance to experience Argentinean food, the countryside and the people. I really enjoyed this journey.
I remember exactly the reaction of my family two years ago, and it is the same this time. My grandparents always tell me how impressed they are about what I’m doing. At this point, one has to mention that I was born in the former GDR which means that most of their lives my grandparents hardly had any chance to travel outside East Germany, Russia and the Eastern part of Europe which belonged to the former Soviet Union.
My parents always support me in what I’m doing and, therefore, they are happy for me. When I told my friends that I will be going back to Argentina, and this time for a period of 4 month, they were sad about me leaving but always in favor of my plans.
Regarding my stay in Buenos Aires I hope to improve my language skills, look forward to meet new people and to make new experiences. As I will be teaching German as well I really look forward to this challenge and I’m curious about the new teaching methods I will learn.
I would describe myself as a person who is always fascinated by other cultures, languages and societies. I know that I will miss Berlin but the wanderlust always keeps me traveling far away from home.

Anne Lipp

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